Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Trump's Re-election Amid The Pandemic and Clamour For Racial Equality
In about 5 months from now, the citizens of the United States will be once again voting for their next president. Campaigns are slowly rolling out in spite of the pandemic that grips the nation. In fact, primaries have commenced, albeit in disarray. Voting procedures shifted from conventional to a majority of absentee or mail-in votes, which generally do take more time to receive, tabulate and declared. Voters were urged to cast their ballots by mail to avoid crowding in polling stations and reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission. However, electoral officials found difficulty in enforcing Covid-19 precautionary measures since there was a shortage of election workers due to concerns of the virus spreading.
In addition to this, another crisis is afoot since the death of George Floyd. Floyd, an African American who died while in police custody.  His arrest and possible cause of death were immortalized in video where he was laying on the ground with an officer taking a knee to his neck while he pleads, ‘I can't breathe.’ This garnered international attention and urged forth the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Peaceful protests have occupied streets for two weeks now with some turning into violent riots and looting.
Trump publicly berated governors for their inability to control such chaos and have threatened to activate military personnel to such areas if the case need be. Critics, in turn, point out that Trump's inability to address the real issue of racial discrimination and equality is causing more divergence across the nation. This has also been the case in his approach of the pandemic that took more than 113, 125 related deaths. His constant downplay of the current health crisis and inaccurate medical advice for citizens fail to contain and abate the virus. Critics believe that current national health and social crisis falls on deaf ears.  Trump's re-election may very well be in danger. Nevertheless, Donald Trump is raring to get back on the campaign with rallies already planned out by his advisors. On the other hand, Joe Biden, a forefront rival of Trump has taken the turn of events as a springboard for his campaign. Whether or not, Trump's re-election proves to be successful, US citizens have the power to seal his fate this coming November.

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